These Health and Physical Education resources provide opportunities for students to get involved with riding bikes and promoting bike riding.
Updated 2023
Students can
Teacher Hayden Shaw is the writer of these resources.
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Students create a game, physical activity or social action that could positively influence numbers of people cycling. This unit allows students to more often consider cycling as a mode of transport. Includes practical cycle skills activities.
HPE Bike riding Year 9-10 lesson plans [DOCX, 673 KB]
This resource supports students to develop a greater understanding of why cycling is important. Initial focus is why fewer students cycle than in the past, plus benefits of cycling and potential hazards.
Students then work with younger students. They put together an action plan to enhance younger students’ cycling abilities by creating and applying a three-session cycling development programme.
Supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 90969 – Take purposeful action to assist others to participate in physical activity.
HPE senior resource lesson plans [DOCX, 737 KB]
HPE NCEA Level 1 assessment: cycling [DOCX, 151 KB]