Everything is here for NCEA Level 3 students to analyse medication impaired driving as a New Zealand health issue.
Revised 2023
It can be unsafe to drive when taking medication which impairs or affects your driving ability. Driving while impaired is a problem in New Zealand, affecting drivers of all ages.
Students examine the implications for the well-being of people and society and the major determinants of health. From this analysis, they recommend health-enhancing strategies. High quality data is provided along with resources designed with SOLO Taxonomy.
Supports assessment for Achievement Standard 91461: Analyse a New Zealand health issue (5 credits at NCEA Level 3).
This curriculum resource was written by teacher Haley Charles and trialled with students at Upper Hutt College. Read more in this news article:
NCEA health students study effects of medication on drivers
Get everything described below with one click.
Health NCEA L3 all files [ZIP, 35 MB]
Internal Assessment Resource [DOCX, 153 KB]
Section A lesson plan [DOCX, 334 KB]
Section A resources [ZIP, 3.4 MB]
Section B lesson plan [DOCX, 335 KB]
Section B resources [ZIP, 9.2 MB]
Section C lesson plan [DOCX, 333 KB]
Section C resources [ZIP, 3.1 MB]
Section D lesson plan [DOCX, 334 KB]
Section D resources [ZIP, 12 MB]