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Digital innovation: Transforming rail safety

Boy using virtual reality to drive a digger.

Photos: Courtesy of KiwiRail

Term 3 2022: this virtual field trip shows how people running our rail network use virtual reality and other tech to enhance safety.

What: Virtual field trip online hosted by LEARNZ

All content:

Digital innovation: Transforming rail safety (LEARNZ)(external link)

8-14 August was Rail Safety Week for Aotearoa New Zealand and this virtual field trip builds on the week's kaupapa with in-depth classroom resources.

Gamification, digital shields and virtual reality are key tools for keeping rail workers safe in Aotearoa. Find out how these digital solutions enable people who work on the rail network to learn and experience high consequence scenarios without facing real-world risk. 

You’ll also meet ākonga who raise awareness about staying safe around railway tracks and trains.  

Teaching and learning resources include:

  • videos
  • Google Earth for Web tour
  • discovery readings, online quizzes and more.

Note: the virtual field trip is a web-based experience suitable for any device and does not itself use virtual reality technology.

Video highlights

Improving safety with virtual reality

At Rāroa Normal Intermediate School, tech experts from KiwiRail show one of the latest digital innovations where learners face real-life scenarios, but without the real-world risk.

Rāroa students explore rail safety

The stars who made the ‘How to be safe around rail’ video for this virtual field trip introduce themselves and share personal messages about the experience.

Gamification to increase site safety

Find out how KiwiRail engineers use gaming software to plan construction work and keep people safe around trains.

SADD students work on rail safety

Members of SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara in Wairarapa, who have made a video about safety at level crossings, introduce themselves and kōrero about some key ideas that came out of the experience.

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