Here comes Rail Safety Week — always look for trains 7 August 2018 9:00 am | Rail Safety Week 2018 gives schools an important reminder to share safety messages within their communities.
Unicycle students learn about cycleways 18 October 2017 9:00 am | Members of a school’s unicycle club are expanding their horizons by learning about urban cycleways.
Literacy learning tool deepens knowledge of safe road use 28 August 2017 9:00 am | The new-look Pathways Awarua combines literacy learning with contexts such as safe driving. It is available to secondary schools.
Kea crossing adds to school’s safe routes 16 June 2017 9:00 am | A Wellington primary school expands the role of its school patrol, and adds to safe routes available for students.
School patrols manual sparks talk of values and service 7 November 2016 9:00 am | Student speeches and a parade of uniforms added layers of meaning to relaunch of manual for school patrols and wardens.
New Zealand’s school patrols: some history 2 August 2016 9:00 am | School students having been putting the signs out at pedestrian crossings for decades. Here’s how the scheme began.