Enviroschools and the Greater Wellington Regional Council have created a curriculum resource encouraging students to think about sustainable travel.
Called Active Travel Action, the online resource provides a process for schools to implement sustainable active travel practices through student inquiry.
Greater Wellington has provided research, funding and design expertise, while Enviroschools have crafted the resource content with input from teachers.
Enviroschools Regional Facilitator Gill Stewart says this is a resource teachers can easily pick up and choose activities from.
“It is about citizenship – it offers a response for students to climate change as well as integrating Mātauranga Māori.”
Gill says this resource could help teachers guide students to find what active travel actions they could take that would make a difference for themselves, their community and the planet.
Greater Wellington Sustainable Transport Committee chair Barbara Donaldson says it would be fantastic to see the resource used in more schools across the region.
“What has been created here is a resource that is easy to use and gives children the opportunity to think about exercise, social responsibilities and bettering the environment all at the same time.”
Greater Wellington Travel Choice Coordinator Kirsty Barr says the resource includes a student booklet where children can share their thoughts on travel, understanding citizenship and climate change.
Kirsty says the resource is open to all primary schools, with a particular focus on Years 5 to 8, and she encourages students and teachers to get on board.
“We have a group of schools already doing work but we welcome enquiries from others in the Wellington region that are keen.”
Kirsty says students could be motivated to do projects from a climate change point of view, addressing issues such as chaos at school gates, or improving health and well-being.
“Schools who took part in this year’s successful Movin’March campaign can use that enthusiasm to springboard into Active Travel Action.
“It’s a highly adaptable and teacher-friendly resource and a great way to keep momentum up throughout the school year,” Kirsty says.
Ongoing support is available from Enviroschools, local councils and Greater Wellington for any Wellington region schools interested in implementing the resource.
As well, the NZ Transport Agency has listed Active Travel Action on its Education Portal to encourage schools in other regions to make use of it.